Unlike traditional mortgage brokers, we’re specialists in arranging mortgages for UK Sole traders. They tend to do a bit of everything, whereas we concentrate on helping the self-employed.
This is just one of the reasons we are the preferred choice for thousands of self employed sole traders across the UK.
We can secure you a competitive mortgage based on one year’s accounts only.
Are you frustrated at being rejected by mortgage lenders who demand 3 years trading accounts and minimum deposits of 25%?
Act now to avoid being let down by mortgage brokers who lack the knowledge, experience and relationships to secure you a competitive mortgage.
Much more than an ordinary mortgage broker service
Most lenders have an unfair bias towards permanent workers. We work with the ones that don’t!
We understand the challenges that sole traders can face when obtaining a mortgage. Why not lean on our years of experience to help you through the journey?
We’re mortgage specialists who intelligently package all your information for senior underwriters to present the best picture of your sole trader business finances.
We don’t know of any other mortgage service that does that!
Our independence offers you the whole Sole Trader Mortgages market
Working directly with a wide range of High Street mortgage lenders, we go all-out to smooth the process of arranging your mortgage.
As we source from the whole market, we save you both valuable time and unnecessary frustration yet retain ibility.
We know how crucial it is that your mortgage application is presented to the right person and in the right way.
By employing our substantial experience of the self-employed market, we do that for you.
This foresight guarantees that someone with the right level of authority receives your documentation. This can have a huge impact on the final decision.
We approach only brokers who understand the way sole traders work. Therefore a practical approach to the lending decision is applied.
Because we understand both your needs and their requirements, we’re able to package your application and deal with subsequent enquiries quickly and effectively.
If you’d prefer, we’d also be quite happy to deal directly with your accountants.
We can arrange different types of mortgages including:
- First Time Buyer
- Moving Home
- Remortgaging
- Shared Ownership
- Buy To Let
What do I need to do next?
So now, are you interested in discussing that mortgage?
Take 30 seconds to complete our Mortgages Enquiry Form and we’ll find you the best mortgage based on your circumstances.
Or if you’d prefer, call us today on 0208 421 7994 to speak to one of our trained advisors. that way, they can start looking for Sole Trader Mortgages for you immediately!